
Museo de la Guerra de Tesalónica

Recomendado por 25 habitantes del lugar,

Consejos de habitantes de la zona

May 14, 2022
Located in the heart of the modern urban trunk of the city, inside one of the historic buildings of the early 20th century, the War Museum of Thessaloniki has an active presence since the first year of its operation, in 2000. The Museum hosts nine permanent exhibitions with over 10,000 historical relics, thus constituting a complete museum of modern history and culture.
Located in the heart of the modern urban trunk of the city, inside one of the historic buildings of the early 20th century, the War Museum of Thessaloniki has an active presence since the first year of its operation, in 2000. The Museum hosts nine permanent exhibitions with over 10,000 historical re…
July 4, 2019
The War Museum of Thessaloniki is a military museum first opened to the public in 2000. The museum was designed by the famous Italian architect Vitaliano Poselli while it was built between 1900-1902.
July 2, 2022
War Museum of Thessaloniki. Learn the history and details about the battles & wars of our country (and our country's respective).
June 17, 2015
The mission of the museum is to serve as a base in northern Greece for events organized by the War Museum of Athens and aim to help preserve historical facts and memories.
December 18, 2013
The mission of the museum is to serve as a base in northern Greece for events organized by the War Museum of Athens and aim to help preserve historical facts of Nothern Greece.

Actividades únicas en la zona

Descubre los secretos de la Salónica romana, bizantina y otomana
Tesalónica sobre dos ruedas
Paseo en moto por Salónica

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